Social Media is proving to be a boon for Brands & teams in Indian Premier League. Social Media sites like Google+, facebook, twitter, youtube & others are providing a constant stream of real time information. Teams can keep up with their fans by providing information on team members, score, players information & others. This fuels a great deal of conversation among the fans. Photos & Videos of the matches results in higher engagement & amplification. Youtube is providing live streams of the matches & also hangouts attracting the fans. Reach of the teams is also increasing across facebook, twitter & others.
For sponsors & their brands, social media helps in increasing their social media profiles reach, know what they are talking about brands & others. They can measure the sentiment of the conversation & take appropriate actions. Companies are using particular hashtags to tweet. On the IPL official website & also on IPL youtube stream a wealth of social media information related to the IPL is available.
With the increasing influence of social media, companies are spending more budget on digital marketing. They are setting up social media command centers to analyze & keep up with the customers. Innovative campaigns & promotions have been made by companies to increase their visibility & to target new markets.